Sunday - Monday 11-1 / 1-3 / 3-5 / 5-7 / 7-9 PM
Enrollment policy of Repin Art Studio
1. Fees
1.1. Fees are paid in full upon registration and are non-refundable. Tuition fees are pro-rated for students who join later than start date
1.2. All fees are not tax included.
1.3. Returned checks are subjected to a $25.00 fee.
2. Payment plans
2.1. Pay as you go per month at the beginning of each month.
3. Discounts
4.Missed Classes
A make up class can be granted only in the same month. Students need to inform the Studio in case of their absence 24 hours before. Missed classes can not be deducted
From the tuition fee, neither can be prorated for the next month (season).
5. Refund and Cancellation
Monthly tuition fee is not refundable and not transferable.
6. Pick up and drop off
Students should be punctual, attend on time and leave on time due to space Limitation. In the event of leaving late an hourly fee will be charged. ($10 for half an hour)
7. Publicity
Repin Living Art Centre reserves the right to photograph all the classes and use the pictures For publicity purposes. Should you refuse the use of your child’s photo in Promotional materials, please inform the studio in writing at the time of registration.
8. What to Wear
we do not supply smocks. Please dreass in clothing that is comfortable to work in school
9. As additional consideration for participants in the Repin Art Studio programs the under signed hereby releases Repin Art Studio successors and assignees from any claims for injury, damages or loss suffered by the art student listed on the form or the undersigned as a consequence of, or occurring during their participation in the Repin Art Studio programs, (an “injury”) and hereby indemnifies Repin for any damages or loss payable by Reoinas a consequence of any injury.